
I The KW991-CR is both course recorder and multi-function display. It offers a user selectable moving tape heading, numeric heading display and heading plus GPS data. It accepts gyro and GPS data and is compatible with most proprietary gyro and standard GPS equipment.

Gyro and GPS data is output at selective intervals and can be sent for archiving to a PC and also to the optional dot matrix KW991-PRN printer.


  • +/-12.5 deg moving tape display for clarity and ease of reading
  • Clear and easy to read four digit heading display
  • Heading display with optional GPS data
  • Gyro heading and GPS data archived on PC rather than paper media
  • Suitable for trunnion or flush mounting

    We provide prompt, reliable cost effective solutions to your requirements on real time basis as we have customer satisfaction uppermost in our minds, always and every time.


    310, Plaza Centre, Plot No. 117, Sector 8, Gandhidham, Kutch - 370201

